Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Health, Care & Beauty Tips

Health, Care & Beauty Tips!!!

Beauty Tips:

For Summer:
Use sun block before going directly in sun rays.
Cut tomato in two pieces and keep in freezer, massage with it and wash face after 10 minute or when it becomes dry
Freeze tomato paste in cube, massage your skin with it
Keep rosewater in refrigerator and splash over face when you come

Skin Polish:
1. Add ½ tsp honey to 1 grinded almond. Smear it on Face. Wash the face after 10 minutes.

2. Take 1 Vit. E capsule. Mix it in 1tsp almond or Olive oil, ½tsp Rose water ½tsp any Moisturizer and massage on face & neck. Wash after 5 minutes.

3. Mix 1tsp Honey with 1tsp Olive Oil & 1tsp Lemon juice, mix well. Apply on whole face and wash after 10 minutes.

4. Grain flour(Basen) is very good scrub. Keep in a bottle and place in washroom. Mix it in little water and apply, wash face afterward.

For Pinkish Lips:
Add ¼tsp Saffron in 2tsp Milk. use the mixture on lips many times a day. Store the rest mixture in cold palce for further use.
For Rough & Torn Lips:
Add the paste of Apple seeds in 1tsp milk. Apply on lips. Use this tip 5 times a day.
For White Teeth:
If there are brown spots over teeth, then apply lemon zest daily, wash teeth afterward.
Mix lemon juice in one glass of water and use it as mouth wash on daily basis.

For Beautiful Hair:
To get rid of dandruf, apply olive oil over scalp, massage well, wash hair in morning.
Use Egg on Hair after 15 days. Apply the beated egg on whole scalp for 2 hours and wash with shampoo.
Beat egg, mix 3tbs yogur, 1tsp oil and mix well. Apply the mixture on scalp for 2 hours and then wash.

For Soft Hands:
1. Massage your Hands with any massage cream/lotion. Scrup your feet with foot scrub or Grain flour(Basen). Wash and apply cream or lotion to smoothen.

2. In a pan, take lukewarm water, mix 1tsp shampoo/liquid soap, 1tsp roze water, Massage your Hands with a lotion/massage cream, now dip hands in it for 10 minutes. Afterward dry with a towl, Apply a Moisturizer.

3. Take 1tsp Lemon juice, 2tsp Glycerin, 3tsp Rose Water. Put all this in a bottle. Apply over hands 3 times a day.

For Soft Feet:
1. Take 1tsp Lemon juice, 2tsp Glycerin, 3tsp Rose Water. Put all this in a bottle. Apply all over foot 3 times a day.

2. In a pan, take lukewarm water, mix 1tsp shampoo/liquid soap, 1tsp roze water, Massage your feet with a lotion/massage cream, now dip your feet in it for 10 minutes. Afterward clean your heals, dry with a towl, . Apply a Moisturizer and put on cotton socks.

3. Massage your feet with any massage cream or with a lotion. Scrup your feet with foot scrub or Grain flour(Basen). Wash and apply cream or lotion.

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